At the kill pen

At the kill pen
Waiting for a miracle

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not a lot has been going on with the herd.  It seems my very picky Missouri Fox Trotter mare has chosen Shaun as her best friend.  This is a big deal.  She's always so grumpy, but has had a change of heart towards Shaun and me.  Shaun has shed out quite nicely, muscled up a bit, and has been playing more.  The other day he actually reared, came off the ground with is back feet and then threw in a buck, back feet over his head.  Much rearing that day, lots of snakey necks, bucking and running about like a wild pony.  I'm hoping he's ready, because tomorrow we head for Archie, Missouri and a Peter Campbell clinic.  Four fun filled days, and who knows, maybe a ride on this bad boy.  Taking the whole herd, too! Can't leave Bit by herself, so everyone comes!  Hoping Shuan doesn't give me too much grief loading in the new trailer.  The opening is quite a bit smaller than the old trailer, but I'll load his girl friend first, and maybe that will motivate him some.  I'll take lots of pictures and let you know how it goes!

"It was once said I should clear my head for one cannot ride a Thoroughbred.  Hot they are.  Too fast they be.  Forever on the fly.  But I stayed the course and have no remorse.  I love my off the track race horse."

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