At the kill pen

At the kill pen
Waiting for a miracle

Thursday, February 16, 2012

the winter that wasn't

It's Feb, which is always my most unfavorite month. Ugly cold, snow, and horses see me briefly for feeding, water and to check for boo boo's. I'm no whimp, but it's dang cold here in Feb. Cold enough to loose all feeling in hands and feet in a very short amount of time. You keep it short and sweet, just so you can make it back to the house before you die of exposure.
I've heard Kansas can have mild winters, but this winter has been blissfully warm. 40's and 50's, and perfectly rideable. No, Shaun has not been getting any saddle time, but he has been getting some ground work and lots of company. He's one fuzzy dude, and will sweat like crazy when he starts playing. You can watch the steam rise off his back in the morning. Tb's truly are a hot breed, and they eat a lot! He consumes twice what my mares do, and in the same amount of time! Fortunately, it's been so warm, there is plenty of grazing to be had, so not a lot of hay eaten. His feet are looking good, and he's holding weight well. He's moving better, more symetrical. Both sides moving the same, nice trot and his canter is looking better. I think this last nine months of pasture therapy has done him a world of good. Having two mares to hang with, well...he's a patient horse.

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